About Tara Eisenhard's Shop

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Tara Eisenhard

Harrisburg, PA

My name is Tara Eisenhard, and I love divorce.

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My name is Tara Eisenhard, and I love divorce.

Yeah, yeah... I know it sounds a little crazy.

I’m a child of divorced parents, an ex-wife, a “next” wife and the previous partner of a divorced dad. My personal experience taught me that divorce is about evolution, not dissolution.

And it's not something to be ashamed of.

My mission these days is to change the way that our culture views and approaches the divorce process.

(Who's with me?)

I work as a coach, author and mediator who is passionate about healthy and respectful divorces.

In addition to coaching clients, creating courses, and presenting at inspirational events, you an also find me hugging animals, practicing yoga, and spending time in nature. I meditate. Cape Cod is my favorite place on Earth. I hate shopping. I love helping my clients overcome the ugly stuff and create a life they love.